ELP 19x - Marker with E-ink panel
Digital stop signs with vehicle departure time indicator - ELP 19x is based on the requirements for operation in IDSK / Ropid. They are equipped with communication modules for communication with the control room. The ELP 19x stop signs are equipped with E-ink display technology and are thus a low-power solution enabling battery operation.
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Digital stop signs with vehicle departure time indicator - ELP 19x is based on the requirements for operation in IDSK / Ropid. They are equipped with communication modules for communication with the control room. The ELP 19x stop signs are equipped with E-ink display technology and are thus a low-power solution enabling battery operation.
The markers can be used:
- at public transport stops, including following the typical design of markers in the city
- for simplified display in public transport
- as departure signs at transport terminals
Due to the low-power design, there is the possibility of using batteries and power from public lighting or special traction converters. This simplifies installation and operation as there is no need to build new connections and the existing public lighting supply can be used.
The marker options are as follows:
- Graphic display area 1600×1200 pixels, 13.3" diagonal.
- Online public transport departures including graphic display area option
- possibility of using a dispatch line combined with time and date
- blind receiver including acoustic announcements
- GSM/LTE/GPRS communication, possibly UMTS and WiFi or radio network according to the project
- illuminated stop sign switched on in the dark
- illuminated timetable switched on in the dark
- TTS integration (text to voice converter for the blind) - optional